Sunday, September 9, 2012

Duplicate Publications/ Self-plagiarism

 Cheung LK. The vascular anatomy of the human temporalis muscle: implications for surgical splitting techniques. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1996 Dec; 25(6):414-21.

Publishing the same content in 2 different journals is a recognized form of serious academic misconduct. Prof. Cheung published an article in the Journal of Anatomy titled "The blood supply of the human temporalis muscle: a vascular corrosion cast study" [Vol-189(Pt 2): pages 431–438]. However, around 100% of the text of this paper has been reproduced in one of Prof. Cheung's publication in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [The vascular anatomy of the human temporalis muscle: implications for surgical splitting techniques. Vol-25:pages 414-21]

Some of the similarities between the publication in the Journal of Anatomy (JA) and the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IJOMS) are listed below.

  • The 1st paragraphs of both articles are the same.
  • The second paragraph of the JA article has been borrowed from the discussion section (middle of the 3rd paragraph; page 420) in the IJOMS paper.
  • The 3rd paragraph of the JA has been borrowed from the discussion section (middle of the 1st paragraph; page 420) in the IJOMS paper.
2.      MATERIAL AND METHODS – of both papers are similar except the additional details presented in the IJOMS article under the subheadings Assignment of groups, Lead oxide group and Indian ink group.
3.      RESULTS - of both papers are similar except the additional details presented in the IJOMS article under the subheadings Coronal plane, Axial plane, Vascular morphometry and territories
4.      DISCUSSION- of both papers are similar except 2 additional paragraphs in page 419 and 420 presented in the IJOMS
The JA paper was published in October 1996 while the IJOMS paper was published in December 1996.

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